Explore the Nonprofit Center to learn how The Columbus Foundation engages with nonprofit organizations, including grant opportunities, The Giving Store, Better Together, nonprofit capacity building, marketing tools, and creating an endowment fund for your organization.

Grant Opportunities
Explore grants available through The Columbus Foundation and four Supporting Foundations.

Deadlines & Open Houses
Review past and upcoming grant deadlines and learn more about Grant Opportunity Open Houses.

Educational Programs
Register to attend an upcoming Nonprofit Forum or Giving Store workshop or learn more about a cohort-style educational series offered to help nonprofits thrive.

The Giving Store

Better Together
Raise funds for current needs at your nonprofit organization with the Better Together crowdfunding platform.

Nonprofit Toolkit
Access Foundation logos, final report forms, marketing materials, and other resources.
View options for nonprofit sustainability by creating an Organization Endowment Fund.
Our staff is built of talented, educated, innovative, and passionate people who, like you, want to make our community better for everyone.
To learn more, reach out to a member of our Community Research and Grants Management team or email nonprofits@columbusfoundation.org.