Operating and Program Support

Supports high-performing arts organizations whose primary mission and program offerings focus on the creation and presentation of performing, visual, and fine arts in Franklin County. Schools, colleges, universities, and organizations focused on arts education are not eligible.

Based on the interests of donors who have established funds to support a variety of focus areas, these grants provide multi-year support for administrative expenses, infrastructure costs, and programs.

Fund priorities include programming designed to offer training or technical support, or the expansion of affordability and access to digital technology and the internet for individuals and communities with limited access.

Promotes hands-on experiences where youth who are deaf or hard of hearing can develop skills and values necessary for successful careers, including leadership training, goal setting, self-esteem building, and interpersonal and communication skills, thereby enhancing participation in their education, family, and community.

Focused Fund categories are based on the interests of donors who have established funds to support a variety of areas.

Provides financial and material resources to organizations that aim to create, continue, or expand community gardens and greenspaces.

Support for place-based initiatives that enable residents to benefit from the region’s growth and opportunity through economic empowerment and engagement in the development of their communities.

Funds recreational programs benefiting youth and ensure that all young people enter adulthood prepared to pursue opportunities to live well.

Limited funding opportunities are available to support areas outside of Franklin County. Each fund has a different geographic area of interest, deadline, and application.